Environmental Control

Monitor environmental parameters remotely with wireless sensors

The use of wanwave in environmental control offers numerous benefits, providing real-time data on environmental conditions and allowing for more efficient and sustainable management of natural resources.

wanwave can measure various environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, air quality, and water quality, enabling better management of energy, water, and other natural resources. By collecting and analyzing this data, wanwave can help identify areas of inefficiency and waste, allowing for proactive management and optimization of resource usage.

  • Improved resource management
  • Alerts when environmental parameters are exceeded
  • Increased sustainability
  • Protection of the natural environment

Indoor climate control

Sensors monitor air temperature, humidity, quality, and CO2 parameters in industrial and office premises

Air monitoring

The ecology monitoring station track air temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed and direction, as well as a set of harmful gases

Monitoring of waste collection

Wireless sensors installed in bins to schedule garbage trucks service

Take care of the environment with smart wanwave products

Climate control in offices and other premises

Sensors will report when the climate parameters differ from those recommended. This will create a comfortable environment, avoid spending on excessive heating and respond to emergencies in a timely manner.

The sensors are powered by built-in batteries and do not require wiring, so they are installed very quickly.

Monitor environmental parameters

The eco-monitoring station is completely autonomous — it runs on built-in batteries and does not require wires for connection, so it can be quickly installed: just turn on the station and it will immediately start transmitting data.

Control parameters where it is difficult to provide electrical power: landfills, roads, etc.

Timely waste disposal

Wireless sensors are installed in waste bins. They help track the need for garbage collection and plan the work of the garbage truck. This will help to avoid overfilled bins, the garbage from which is blown into the wind and taken away by animals.

Take advantage of temperature and moisture resistant sensors in your railways

wanwave supports environmental control operations by easily monitoring access, status, environmental conditions, and other parameters over very large areas and at a very low cost.

  • Protection against spoofing and message blocking
  • Exceptional reception distance
  • Extended device life
  • Extreme operation conditions
  • Plug and play – zero setup
  • First class lifetime support

10 year

Device life

Depending on the frequency and volume of messages

50 km

Reception distance

Depending on the terrain

-40 – 85°C

Operating Conditions

Sensors operate in extreme conditions from -40 to +85°C

0 setup

Plug and Play

Easy installation without settings – just turn it on and that’s it

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