Perimeter Control

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wanwave’s perimeter control system offers an effective solution for enhancing security and monitoring capabilities in various environments, including industrial facilities, residential properties, and commercial complexes. By deploying the system along the perimeter of a property, organizations can detect and respond to unauthorized intrusions, perimeter breaches, and security threats in real-time.

Key aspects of using wanwave’s perimeter control systems include:

Intrusion Detection: wanwave’s sensors installed along the perimeter detect unauthorized entry attempts and perimeter breaches. These sensors trigger immediate alerts to security personnel or central monitoring stations, enabling rapid response and intervention to prevent security breaches or intrusions.

Asset Protection: Perimeter control systems equipped with wanwave’s wireless sensors help safeguard valuable assets, equipment, and infrastructure located within the secured area. By detecting unauthorized access attempts or tampering with assets near the perimeter, organizations can prevent theft, vandalism, or damage to property, minimizing financial losses and operational disruptions.

Integration with Security Systems: wanwave seamlessly integrates with existing security systems, including video surveillance cameras, access control systems, and alarm monitoring platforms. Integration enables centralized management and monitoring of security events, streamlines incident response procedures, and enhances overall situational awareness for security personnel.

Mode of Operation

The sensor can operate up to 3 years using its internal battery power and automatically transmits messages about intruders crossing the control zone via a long-distance radio channel to the wanwave gateway. The sensor periodically transmits its status and battery level. Adaptive algorithms automatically adjust to environmental conditions to prevent false alarms due to rain, snow, and strong gusts of wind.

System deployment options:

  • Mobile setup: the equipment is mounted on portable tripods. Tripods are installed at the junction points of the controlled perimeter spans.
  • Permanent setup: the microwave curtain is attached to poles/fences, based on the configuration of the controlled perimeter.

The wanwave software can be deployed in two ways:

  • Locally installed software and hardware complex on the customer’s site
  • Cloud service

Hardware Components Used in this Solution

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