Waste Management

Organize effective waste collection control with wireless sensors

The use of wanwave in waste management has the potential to revolutionize the way your organization handles waste, making it more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable.

By integrating wanwave devices, waste management systems can collect and analyze data on waste generation, collection, and disposal. The real-time data collected by wanwave devices can help optimize waste collection routes, reduce collection costs, and improve the overall efficiency of waste management operations.

With wanwave-enabled waste management systems, waste can be sorted and processed more efficiently, reducing the environmental impact of waste disposal and creating new opportunities for waste-to-energy conversion.

  • Improved efficiency
  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Increased cost-effectiveness
  • Enhanced sustainability

wanwave also allows you to collect diagnostic information from your existing technological infrastructure using universal RS 485 / 4−20 mA modems.

Waste collection site control

Sensors will help identify where the location of the bins is inefficient, for example, there are too many of them. You can redistribute them to the right place and reduce the cost of buying new containers, as well as make the sites cleaner

Waste bin fire

The temperature sensor built into the trash sensor will give an alarm if the temperature in the container gets too high. The case of the device is made of non-flammable material and will resist fire for a long time

Timely garbage disposal

wanwave innovations help to reduce the cost of garbage disposal. By installing sensors, you will know exactly how many bins were serviced and when. You will not have to pay for services not rendered. The information can also be used to plan the work of garbage trucks. Particularly effective for separate collection containers or for collecting recyclables, batteries, etc

Reduce waste bin maintenance costs with GoodWAN sensors

Monitor bin filling

The sensor will inform you when the container is full and needs to be taken out.

Data on the state of the bin is transmitted up to 50km and is available to the operator online on a map or in a report.

Data can be transferred directly to the service provider system.

Track garbage collection

The sensor has a built-in accelerometer, which allows you to detect the lifting of the container by the garbage truck.

The sensor will record the time and date of service, and the wanwave software will provide a report on when and how many time the bin was taken out.

Fire and tilting of bins

Prevent bin damage with temperature and tilt sensors. The wanwave sensors continually monitor the bins and in case of fire or tilting will send an alarm.

wanwave Platform

We provide an easy-to-use cloud platform that allows you to see online on the map current filling status of bins at different sites, as well as create various reports. Data can be uploaded to a third-party system.

Take advantage of temperature and moisture resistant sensors in your waste management

wanwave supports waste management operations by easily monitoring access, status, environmental conditions, and other parameters over very large areas and at a very low cost.

  • Protection against spoofing and message blocking
  • Exceptional reception distance
  • Extended device life
  • Extreme operation conditions
  • Plug and play – zero setup
  • First class lifetime support

10 year

Device life

Depending on the frequency and volume of messages

50 km

Reception distance

Depending on the terrain

-40 – 85°C

Operating Conditions

Sensors operate in extreme conditions from -40 to +85°C

0 setup

Plug and Play

Easy installation without settings – just turn it on and that’s it

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